Nlets Membership
Each member is represented by one individual who is known as the Nlets Representative. Representatives are divided into eight regions. Each region elects a chairperson to represent the region on the Nlets Board of Directors. This election is held in conjunction with the Annual Business Meeting (ABM).
The Board of Directors (BOD) has three officers: the President, the First Vice-President, and the Second Vice-President. Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office and can be removed from office upon a two-thirds vote at the Nlets ABM. The Nlets BOD has two types of committees: Standing Committees, which are established and dissolved through an amendment to the Nlets By-Laws; and, Ad Hoc Committees, which are established and dissolved by the President. The President appoints members to committees as provided in the Nlets By-Laws.
Non-federal criminal justice agencies in each state, the District of Columbia, Commonwealths, and Territories that are assigned Nlets control terminal responsibilities.
Federal agencies that may be assigned Nlets control terminal responsibilities.
Those criminal justice agencies under the authority of a foreign government that may be assigned Nlets control terminal responsibilities.
Those organizations that will provide a service to the Nlets criminal justice community, are not eligible for any other type of membership, and may be assigned Nlets control terminal responsibilities.