All Nlets Representatives have the power to serve, when appointed, to Nlets Committees. You can read the current list of committees and their members below.
For information on Nlets Representatives not currently serving on a committee, visit the Representative Map page below.
Current Nlets Committees
Finance & Management Committee (F&M)
The Finance & Management Committee (F&M) provides information and policy guidance to the Nlets Board of Directors (BOD) on fiscal and management matters as they pertain to the operation and administration of Nlets.
Chair: Bradley Rollo - WI
Ex-Officio/1st VP: Sandra Kelleher - ID
Bill Guy - RI
Larry Newton - KY
Jenny Stalo - WY
Wes Vradenburg - WA
Jeff Long - AR
Technical Operations Committee (TOC)
The Technical Operations Committee (TOC) provides information and policy guidance to the Nlets Board of Directors (BOD) on matters of operations, maintenance, and enhancement of the Nlets system.
Chair: Maury Mitchell - AL
Ex-Officio/2nd VP: Kelli Erickson - SD
Kirk Beardwood - CA
Chris Corea - MD
Kyle Linscheid - FBI
Boyd Butler - IL
Jennie Moeller - ND
Jamie Gagnon - MA
Dan Abbott - NICB
Security and Privacy Committee
The purpose of the Privacy and Security Committee is to provide information and policy guidance to the Board of Directors and the Council on information privacy and security issues pertaining to the interstate exchange of information transmitted over Nlets.
Chair: Chris Behre - WV
Ex-Officio: Frank Minice - Nlets
Melanie Veilleux - AZ
Doug Ross - CN
Anthony Ray - ARJIS
Jessica Rodarte - NM
Jennie Moeller - ND
Brodie Assistance Fund Committee (BAF)
The Brodie Assistance Fund Committee (BAF) provides recommendations for approval on requests for projects/initiatives to the Nlets Board of Directors (BOD).
Chair: Tom Prevo - NB
Maury Mitchell - AL
Brad Rollo - WI
Barb Koval - NY
Felicia Jackson - OK
Ivy McMillan - NC
Training & Education Committee
The Training & Education Committee provides information and guidance to the Nlets Board of Directors (BOD) on matters related to the Nlets training program.
Chair: Brian Frost - MT
Kenneth Blue - TN
Mark Espinoza - MR
Paula Davis - AK
Nathalie Pleau - CN
Grant Smith - FBI
Nominations Committee
The Nominations Committee is composed of three Nlets Representatives, two of whom are Board members, appointed by the President. The purpose of the Nominations Committee is to nominate the candidates for the Office of President, 1st Vice-President, and 2nd Vice-President.
Chair/BOD Member: Joe Leon-Guerrero - GM
BOD Member: Tom Prevo - NB
At-Large Member: Dan Abbott - NICB
Hall of Fame Committee
The President appoints a Hall of Fame Committee each year to include Nlets Executive Director and individuals with at least ten years involvement with Nlets. The purpose of the Hall of Fame Committee is to select and honor those individuals that have made a significant contribution to Nlets.
Chair: Dan Abbott - NICB
Ex-Officio: Jeremy Hansford - OH
Ex-Officio: Frank Minice - Nlets
Tom Prevo - NB
Georgene Ramming - Alumni/HOF
Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee is appointed by the President and meets as needed to make recommendations for change to the Bylaws.
Chair: Kevin Collins - MI
Ex-Officio: Jeremy Hansford - OH
Ex-Officio: Sandra Kelleher - ID
Ex-Officio: Kelli Erickson - SD
Ex-Officio: Frank Minice - Nlets
Victor Muzzey - NH
Tara Rockhill - NJ
Ivy McMillan - NC
Lucy Saunders - FL
Jennie Moeller - ND
Felicia Jackson - OK
Wesley Vradenburg - WA