Mission and Vision

Nlets is the premiere international justice and public safety network in the nation for the exchange of law enforcement, criminal justice, and public safety-related information. To accomplish this, the Nlets system provides unrivaled reliability based on a network built to endure threats without impacting performance.
Nlets is a private not for profit corporation owned by the States and was created more than 55 years ago by the nation's 50 state law enforcement agencies. The user population is made up of all of the United States and its territories, all Federal agencies with a justice component, select international agencies, and a variety of strategic and alliance partners that serve the law enforcement community-cooperatively exchanging data.
The types of data being exchanged varies from motor vehicle and drivers' data, to Canadian, to the Interpol database located in Lyon, France, to state criminal history records and corrections images. Operations consist of more than 3 billion transactions a year to over 1 million PC, mobile and handheld devices in the U.S. and Canada at more than 45,000 user agencies and to more than 1.3 million individual users.
The mission of Nlets is to provide information services within a secure environment to the national and international justice and public safety communities. Nlets will serve those national and international governmental agencies and other organizations with similar missions that enforce, or aid in enforcing, local, state, or international laws or ordinances.
Nlets’ vision is to continue to be the premier provider of secure information services that will enable a totally standardized, integrated, international justice and public safety system. Acting primarily as a network and information provider, Nlets will serve every stratum of criminal justice and public safety communities.